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23 May 2024 08:30:22
Hi Ed, is McKenna a real possibility or is this media speculation?


{Ed002's Note - He is on the list of options.}

1.) 23 May 2024 16:44:51
Reports are that his the front runner for the Job. Do you reckon he will be a good fit at Chelsea Ed?

{Ed002's Note - He is by all accounts he is well liked but I don’t know him so can’t really comment.}



15 May 2024 00:01:34
Hi Ed,

Is Bento (GK) of any interest. He looks to be a very good goalkeeper.


{Ed002's Note - Bento (G) Athletico Paranaense are negotiating a summer transfer with Inter Milan who need to replace Sommer and want an alternative to on loan Emil Audero who they regret taking. The player is keen on a deal with Inter. Chelsea took a shine to the player when working on the transfer of Vitor Roque but they have a much preferred options. Wolves have looked but Wolves have a preferred option if Sa leaves. I can only think that Benfica interest only exists if Samuel Soares leaves but Bento will not want to be cover - so they can be discounted.}

1.) 15 May 2024 14:59:33
Thanks Ed, brilliant info as always.

2.) 16 May 2024 07:32:45
One of those lads who watches all sorts of leagues and teams play on a regular basis told me a Ukrainian lad who plays for Benfica is the next great goalkeeper.

He did tell me name but I can’t remember it.

3.) 16 May 2024 09:40:09
HI Tom
Anatoliy Trubin 22 years old. Joined last summer from Shakhtar and has a 100 million euros release clause.

4.) 16 May 2024 09:51:50
Hi Tom. You probably mean Trubin (the Benfica GK)?

Personally I would hope the club try to get Bulka back to the Bridge. Kid always had the makings of an exceptional GK. Strong, tall, comes for crosses, great reflexes and pretty good on the ball. Leaving Chelsea and becoming a starter at Nice has done him a world of good, and I hope they bring him back.

5.) 16 May 2024 10:49:07
Thanks Lads, yes that’s the bloke. Supposedly a star in the making!

6.) 16 May 2024 13:23:35
Hi ED02, are Chelsea interested in Trubin or Bulka?

{Ed002's Note - No.}

7.) 16 May 2024 18:34:08
Jackson I fully agree on Bulka he’s the best keeper I’ve seen us produce at youth level shame it never worked at PSG but I’d go as far as saying he’s been the best keeper in the French league this season. Bulka and Petrovic would be great options.



31 Jul 2023 23:33:38
Hi Ed,

Any truth in the links to Mbappe?



{Ed002's Note - I would not hold your breath.}

1.) 01 Aug 2023 11:27:33
It is said that Chelsea are offering a player-plus-cash deal. Anybody know who the player is?

{Ed002's Note - It is unimportant - it won't happen.}

2.) 01 Aug 2023 16:16:28
I’d imagine Ziyech Celery or maybe Sterling.



09 Jan 2023 16:43:30
Hi Ed, will the deal for Felix have an "option to buy". Thanks.


{Ed002's Note - That will be known when the TMS is updated but he is intended to fill the gap before Nkunku arrives.}

1.) 09 Jan 2023 17:11:32
Is it just until the end of the season then Ed and not a year loan?

{Ed002's Note - Loans have to end of May (Premier Leagues) or end of June elsewhere.}

2.) 09 Jan 2023 17:33:18
Can I ask if nkunku has been announced ed didn't know if I had missed it.

{Ed002's Note - I don't know what "announced" mneans. He is joining Chelsea in the summer subject to medical and paperwork.}

3.) 09 Jan 2023 18:20:41
Hi Ed.
I am curious on this question: Can clubs etc. see the more specific details that player make on transfers like the prices the player gets sold for, the agreed price for "option to buy", etc.? Or is it only shown that X player makes a transfer to Y club and that Y club has an "option to buy"-clause without further specification of the specific terms?

{Ed002's Note - Yes, the details of the transfer are included.}

4.) 09 Jan 2023 20:49:24
That actually surprises me a bit. Is it for FFP visibility or what is the reasoning behind that? Normally it would be considered a business secret what you pay for your assets, I believe? I am wondering why there is this extra regulation in football.

{Ed002's Note - I really don’t know what you are referring to.}



08 Jan 2023 09:55:48
Hi Ed, is the Enzo deal completely off or are Chelsea still working in the background to see if they can get something done? Thanks.


{Ed002's Note - Neither really - Chelsea would still like the transfer but the sideas are apart on price.}

1.) 08 Jan 2023 10:46:04
Surely it’s simple if someone has a buy out clause that’s the price of the player pay it or move on.

{Ed001's Note - it's not really that simple, that is the price they will definitely accept, but why would you pay full price if there is a chance of getting it for less? It is not like it is 50p we are talking about. The difference is tens of millions and that could mean another player.}

2.) 08 Jan 2023 14:11:32
Ed001! Nice to see you back on here. Hope you and Ed002 are well – a very belated happy new year to all the Eds.

{Ed001's Note - thank you EdW, I hope you had a great holiday period and 2023 is good to you and yours!}




CFCShak's banter posts with other poster's replies to CFCShak's banter posts


11 May 2024 13:10:41
Hi Ed2, I know you've got close ties to Chelsea FC. I wanted to know what your opinion was on the situation at Chelsea? What are your thoughts on recruitment, and the model Chelsea are going for? Also, how do you think Poch has done as a manager?



{Ed002's Note - The recruitment process is doing fine with youngsters and going forward all looks well in the medium and long term. In the short term, there need to be some changes and they should happen this summer. I am not sure what you mean about "model". There have been significant difficulties this season with injuries and losing several players for the whole season. If he stays it will be better next season but that decision will not be made until the season is over.}

1.) 11 May 2024 14:17:57
Thanks for your input ED02. I totally agree that the recruitment process is doing fine.

2.) 11 May 2024 16:19:25
Please can everyone stop banging on about who is signing next. A billion quid has been chucked at this team since the yanks arrived, but the paint is still wet. An identity of sorts is beginning to show, but that will take a step back the way of CG leaves (imo) . Jackson is so much better than he was 35 games ago, I think Caicedo will be brilliant for Chelsea. Madueke is the first player probably since Willian or Hazard who goes by his marker which panics teams. His maturity when he layed off to Jackson last weekend was a pleasant surprise and showed maturity that was missing only a month ago. Getting a turn out of Cucu, with the RB a revelation as he challenges James. Lots to love, give it a chance.

3.) 11 May 2024 18:28:59
All depends who leaves with the exception maybe a CF.

4.) 11 May 2024 21:38:35
Scot. behave with your language boy. "the yanks". don't be so rude and ignorant. Many fans, posters and others are American, this site has no place for such comments.

5.) 11 May 2024 23:21:40
Why refer to someone as “boy? ” Are you trying to belittle someone’s opinion?

6.) 11 May 2024 22:35:44
Brilliant, it was nice getting your opinion on the situation Ed. As always, great work!

7.) 12 May 2024 19:18:16
G8 ignoring the 'short term'. That’s means now g8 lol.



04 Jan 2024 23:00:32
Hi Ed, are Chelsea trying to sign the youngster Estaveo Willian? His supposedly one of the best 16 year old on the planet.


{Ed002's Note - Yes.}

1.) 05 Jan 2024 09:10:03
He wants Barcelona though I think and they haven't got the funds apparantly.



18 Jan 2023 10:04:49
Ed1, I hope you are doing well mate. I'm not sure if you've done this yet but is there a chance we can get your views on Mudryk as a player and how you see him fit into the Chelsea team? From what I've seen, he looks damn exciting.


{Ed001's Note - I have said it a few times mate, I have not seen much of him (to be fair he hasn't yet played a lot of first team football to see a lot of) but what I have seen has looked really good. Looks quick, technically excellent but obviously it is a risk paying so much for someone after only about 60 games (I think it is) at first team level. He stood out as head and shoulders above his team mates though.}

1.) 18 Jan 2023 14:16:14
€62m and I’d hazard as guess ( pray to god ) his an improvement on pulisic ziyech, sterling, and if bonus kick in, it’s means we’ve won PL or CL, wages reported £97k a week too unlike reported £300k + sterling getting .

Have you seen much of Madueke ( psg winger ) heavily linked, not got great injury recorded, young / English,

{Ed001's Note - if Pulisic could only stay fit he would be a quality player, but that if is a huge if unfortunately.

I have seen a fair bit of Madueke, because I watched PSV a fair bit over the last couple of seasons with Gakpo being linked to a lot of people. Madueke I noticed mainly because his middle name is the same as my first name, so I did take an interest in him. He looked ok, but I always seemed to catch games when Gakpo was central and the team was a bit messed up. In fact he was more impressive than Gakpo in those games, though the commentators would continually stress how Gakpo was better from wide areas. But the team as a whole was not playing well in those games, he does look direct and pacey, plus looked good technically. Hard to be 100% as he was given a lot of time and space, far too much to be honest, so I didn't get to see if he still had the nice technique under pressure like he would be under in England. Overall though, he was certainly the one I would have said to take another look at in the PSV team other than Gakpo. He did look like the kind of player you could see being successful in England.}

2.) 18 Jan 2023 14:53:40
That’s issue with pulisic, gets a knock, comes back needs few games to look a threat, gets a knock, is out, comes back, repeat,
I watch a lot of football, bits from all over, I find it almost impossible to see a player play well and compare his talent to the league or opposition, the Dutch league is difficult, German league is impossible as attackers look too quality, Italy seems slower, must be so hard for scouts,

3.) 18 Jan 2023 17:39:55
Thanks Ed, appreciate your response. Hopefully Mudryk settles in nicely and we can see a resurgence up the table very soon.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome CFCS. I think you will be fine now Potter is starting to get his feet under the table. I am sure you will be looking up the table this season.

And for Matt, sorry mate I never edited your last reply, but I totally agree, it is very difficult. Sometimes a player looks outstanding in one league but then can't cope in another. I did think that about Louis Suarez before he joined Liverpool. I didn't think his nutmegs and rebounds against opponents would work in the higher quality Prem from the Eredivisie. If anything it seemed to work better as players were tighter and so found it more difficult to react to his touches and ended up left looking stupid.

That was a lesson learnt, that it is not just about quality but way of playing that you need to look at. Then you have to factor in the team they are playing for and way of playing, is it helping or hindering him? Then, on top of that, you then have to consider the style of the team that you are looking at him for. A scouts job is hard. I think they are massively underpaid for the job they are doing and that will always hold clubs back from getting the chance of getting the best. It is not exactly a job that attracts anyone in football as a first choice, that is doing it as a career. The renumeration is so poor that most people are going to look elsewhere for a career.}

4.) 18 Jan 2023 18:37:46
Good thread and thanks for your input Ed.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome Tom.}



01 Sep 2022 22:57:34
Ed1 what are your views on Zakaria mate? 3 years ago, he was doing really well before injuries. What tku make of the transfer? Thanks.


{Ed001's Note - it does seem an odd one, struggles with injuries so you sign him for the most physical of the top leagues. That only seems liable to make him struggle more with injury. On his day he is an excellent player, so if he can be kept fit it will be a good signing, but is that going to happen?}



13 Jul 2022 16:11:33
Koulibaly is an elite CB, he can ping the ball around with both feet, excellent defensively, makes other around him look classy, excellent leadership, will be a great mentor given his bags of experience etc.

This is a player for the present, absolutely epic because he improves us straight away. Reminds me of a time in 1998 when we signed a near 30 year old Marcel Dessaily. He was an excellent defender who was inspiration to JT. I hope this transfer works the same way for us.

? ? ?.


1.) 13 Jul 2022 18:15:43
Good memory CFC and I also much hope for Koulibaly having this impact. Very much the CB with presence, experience and considerable skilltjT we needed given outgoings.

2.) 13 Jul 2022 18:46:23
Spot on Shak.

3.) 13 Jul 2022 19:07:13
Any young defenders at Chelsea should be delighted if Koulibaly joins with Silva already there. How often would you get the chance to be on the training pitch with two of the best defenders of recent times- I hope they take advantage and listen to the masters.




CFCShak's rumour replies


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25 May 2024 00:12:47
Was McKenna the 1st choice Ed?


{Ed002's Note - No.}



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23 May 2024 16:44:51
Reports are that his the front runner for the Job. Do you reckon he will be a good fit at Chelsea Ed?


{Ed002's Note - He is by all accounts he is well liked but I don’t know him so can’t really comment.}



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15 May 2024 14:59:33
Thanks Ed, brilliant info as always.




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04 Feb 2024 21:27:23
Interesting Ed2, what are your thoughts about the whole situation? I just can't understand how badly things have gone.


{Ed002's Note - Injuries have played a significant part of screwing up the season.}



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16 Mar 2023 12:56:04
Haha, lol ? ? ?.





CFCShak's banter replies


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11 May 2024 22:35:44
Brilliant, it was nice getting your opinion on the situation Ed. As always, great work!




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18 Feb 2023 22:42:29
Cut some slack, his had to:-

• Integrate 600M worth of new players,
• He’s had the worst set of injuries in the history of football,
• He's had NO luck with VAR.
• Opposition teams are always well prepared, but the "Boys give everything. "

"That's life" #TrustTheProcess.




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13 Feb 2023 00:37:53
I'd say 40m for Mount cause he will have 12 months left on his contract.




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29 Jan 2023 18:03:15
Well Matt Law has just confirmed that we have re-opened talks.




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18 Jan 2023 17:39:55
Thanks Ed, appreciate your response. Hopefully Mudryk settles in nicely and we can see a resurgence up the table very soon.


{Ed001's Note - very welcome CFCS. I think you will be fine now Potter is starting to get his feet under the table. I am sure you will be looking up the table this season.

And for Matt, sorry mate I never edited your last reply, but I totally agree, it is very difficult. Sometimes a player looks outstanding in one league but then can't cope in another. I did think that about Louis Suarez before he joined Liverpool. I didn't think his nutmegs and rebounds against opponents would work in the higher quality Prem from the Eredivisie. If anything it seemed to work better as players were tighter and so found it more difficult to react to his touches and ended up left looking stupid.

That was a lesson learnt, that it is not just about quality but way of playing that you need to look at. Then you have to factor in the team they are playing for and way of playing, is it helping or hindering him? Then, on top of that, you then have to consider the style of the team that you are looking at him for. A scouts job is hard. I think they are massively underpaid for the job they are doing and that will always hold clubs back from getting the chance of getting the best. It is not exactly a job that attracts anyone in football as a first choice, that is doing it as a career. The renumeration is so poor that most people are going to look elsewhere for a career.}