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Magichandshurley's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Magichandshurley's rumours posts
20 Jan 2019 00:24:02
big rumours of coutinho coming wow that would be quiet a statement.
1.) 20 Jan 2019 15:00:23
As much as I’d be absolutely over the moon with that I think there’s a bigger chance of us winning the league than that happening.
2.) 20 Jan 2019 15:06:02
Can’t see truth to it, but I’d be over the moon with that.
3.) 20 Jan 2019 20:13:21
Betting odds don't suggest there's much in this in terms of transfer this window, would have to be a very well kept secret for odds not to be suggesting possibility. unless this is about the summer?
4.) 20 Jan 2019 21:06:31
yeah but hey we have to dream lads.
5.) 20 Jan 2019 21:23:44
Betting odds - lol. Never listen to what they say. It’s a corrupt market.
09 Aug 2018 01:01:13
edd any idea is the move for fekir if we do move at all does that have any nearing on wether bakayoko goes to milan or not. as in if bakayoko moves to milan will that make us go all out for fekir?
{Ed001's Note - I don't believe there is any connection.}
1.) 09 Aug 2018 08:27:45
Magicandshurley - I think Bakayoko is now going on loan to AC Milan with a view to buy as a consequence of us bringing in Kovacic on loan from Real.
That being said, I really hope we can do something for Feki before the end of the window.
07 Aug 2018 20:47:49
is the fekir rumours rubbish or is it a deal we can pull off edd i no u stated he wanted lfc move but im sure if we came calling hed be up for it. hed definetly add quality we don't have in the cm position.
{Ed001's Note - I honestly don't know.}
19 Jul 2018 23:53:40
im not being funny but who in their right mind would want to sign bakayoko or morata after last season? really thought morata was the business. first 2 or 3 months then went to absolute rubbish and looked like torres more and more by the week maybe not pl suited we'll see diego is the ultimate number 9 should of never been sold.
1.) 20 Jul 2018 00:12:34
Diego costa wanted to leave. Lukaku was the real one we missed on. Sorry to keep bringing it up with the absolute denial from Chelsea fans when we dithered around and he chose united was incredible. We missed out on a top premier league striker and got Morata and Bakayoko which the people on here said were ‘upgrades’ on Clsta and Matic. Incredible.
2.) 20 Jul 2018 08:34:06
Costa wanted out and I am sure he would have continued to be belligerent if we tried to keep him. I have always said that Bayakoko was one of our biggest waste of money and I felt for Drinkwater who was never given a run in the team as he did. If Morata had continued as he started nobody would mention Costa and as much as I think he is unsuited to the physical side of the EPL something went wrong. Whether he was carrying a back injury, whether he he had issues with Conte or whether as he said a number of times, he found London difficult to settle in, maybe if he stays it will come good again. Lukkaku left behind some enemies within the club so returning was always going to be difficult.
3.) 20 Jul 2018 08:45:02
I still by my feelings from the start, Lukaku ain't the striker for us. I see his first touch let's him down, it's not like his had an exceptional season. I think he only scored 1 goal vs top teams and that was us.
4.) 20 Jul 2018 08:45:22
Both players aren't bad players, and they haven't just turned into bad players overnight.
Taking Morata first, he hit the ground running (Barring the pen miss in the Charity Shield) 10 goals up to the end of December, and we all said we had something special. A back injury, which he chose to play through obviously affected him. He didn't look the same player at all. 11 league goals and 6 assists in a season when an injury played a part is a very good return imo. Moving Morata on "cos he's crap" is not an option. If Sarri says he doesn't fit, that's a different story.
It's harder to make a case of Bakayoko, of course. Based on his last season with Monaco, he should have everything to suit the Premier League, yet he showed very little to prove this. He's looks strong and powerful but didn't stamp himself on the game last season. There's a case to be made that Contes system didn't suit/ he wasn't being used to his strengths. With Jorginho and Kante behind him, is there a case to be made for allowing Baka just to focus on driving forward?
In regards to losing Costa and Matic, it's public knowledge that both players tried to leave Chelsea before we won the league in Contes 1st season. In Costas case, he's been looking for that move for longer. Everyone focuses on Contes text to Costa, but it's reported that "Costa replied in a jokey way" to an enjoy the holidays text. Costa is a B*stard, we loved the way everyone else hated him, but "jokey way", I don't believe that. Costa and Conte definitely didn't see eye to eye.
5.) 20 Jul 2018 08:55:36
I still think Bakayoko will come good, he deserves a chance and a season without everyone jumping on his back. His physicality is impressive and if he gets his head screwed on then he will become good, people forget how he played for Monaco in their title winning season and run to the CL semis. Morata I'm less convinced, I hate his antics and his attitude.
6.) 20 Jul 2018 09:12:36
Lukaku made some enemies? Since when? Never heard anything of the sort.
The reason he didn’t return was because we didn’t bid for him to try get Everton to take their price down. United bid for him and made him feel wanted and once we matched Their bid it was too late.
7.) 20 Jul 2018 10:26:01
Good summary dihanio, I agree totally with what you said.
8.) 20 Jul 2018 13:50:02
Ed002 said numerous times that Lukaku had burnt his bridges with many people higher up at Chelsea and many people were against resigning him, whilst one person tried to convince the club to take another chance on him. Not sure if I'm making this up or if I actually remember correctly but I believe this person was Eddie Newton, maybe someone can confirm though.
9.) 20 Jul 2018 14:07:38
dihanio: Very sensible assessment and shows how we all view things differently. I had an issue with Bayakoko all season often referring to him as an athlete trying to play football. As we have him I would like to think there is more to him than he showed but to me he is not Sarri's type of player.
19 Jul 2018 17:53:40
fekir to chelsea the latest rumour doing the rounds seems like liverpool won't go back in for him after splashing out on alisson becker. id take him with open arms and get rid of an average pedro or fabregas. what's yours thoughts guys? me personally we should snap him up wev old ish inconsitant players in fabregas pedro drinkwater we shoulf get rid of all 3.
1.) 19 Jul 2018 18:18:01
Don't really watch the French league and I'd be concerned as to why Liverpool pulled out when everything was agreed. I do agree we need to move some players on though. I think we can afford to lose Drinkwater, Pedro and one of our strikers. Out of the three strikers I would sell Morata to be honest, can hopefully get most of the money we paid for him back as he just isn't suited to the prem and in all honesty I hate his antics, falling over st every opportunity. Giroud and Bats have a lot to offer us in my opinion.
2.) 19 Jul 2018 18:37:32
Didn’t they pull out over an injury concern? If so I’d be surprised if we don’t pull out over the same issue.
3.) 19 Jul 2018 19:01:47
Rather go all in for Isco Thiago alcantara. If Morata wants to go then I think we need a younger striker than Higuain. I think he could do well but in a year or two after spending £60m on him we will be on the lookout again for a top striker. i would like us to take a chance on bellotti.
4.) 19 Jul 2018 19:57:57
Drinkwater, Pedro and Morata along with a few of the youngsters are on the Australia trip. Although repeatedly reported that Morata wants to leave both Isco and Asensio said last season that Morata was trying to encourage one of them to join him at Chelsea so maybe!
5.) 19 Jul 2018 23:11:18
Fekir is the closest thing to Hasard the French league has had since Eden became blue. As a parisien and someone that follows the league. Trust me when I say Fekir is going to be a world beater.
Ps. I was glad when he wrecked PSG last season.
6.) 19 Jul 2018 23:22:13
dont know much about belotti id take a chance on him and fekir and donneruma all day long do. fabregas drinkwater and pedro are not good enough for me i also don't think alonso or moses will have a future in our new system if sarri does go 4 at d back.
7.) 19 Jul 2018 22:14:54
Just a question for the Ed’s what’s your opinions on Rugani is he any good I’ve never seen him play he doesn’t get much game time for Juve does he? Is he an upgrade on what we have thanks in advance.
{Ed018's Note - I’ve never seen him play and I’m guessing most the Ed’s on here have seen very little if any of him.}
8.) 20 Jul 2018 00:10:01
Ok mate that’s fair enough thankyou for getting back to me though.
{Ed018's Note - no problem. There must certainly be some potential there and I trust the scouts have done their job. I’d guess he wouldn’t be first choice right away but would hopefully work his way into a partnership with Christensen. That’d be the ideal outcome}
9.) 20 Jul 2018 07:43:27
I’m wondering were that would leave Rudiger as I thought he had a very good first season.
10.) 20 Jul 2018 08:50:35
I don't get this Fekir chasing!
Liverpool pulled out of a deal cos they found an underlying knee problem. Why would we want to spend money on a player when it's known there's a chance of a potential career ending injury?
Makes no sense to me at all. We say Bale is injury prone when we are linked, but this case is different? I don't get it!
11.) 20 Jul 2018 09:08:31
I don't think the knee injury was seen as being that bad. Liverpool still wanted to do the deal but at a lower price due to the potential risk, Lyon wouldn't re-negotiate the price and they both walked away.
I suppose we'd be negotiating with that knowledge, be in a slightly stronger position.
12.) 20 Jul 2018 06:11:15
Thanks for the info ed 018 so where would that leave Rudiger as I thought he was class last year vying for rb with Azpilicueta? Looking forward to seeing more of Emerson this year and I think Barkley if he gets his head down could be really good this year. I know it’s in the past but I thought stones had a good wc and he would of been a Sarri style player for sure although that may well of hindered Christensen thinking about it.
{Ed018's Note - it’s impossible to say for sure how it would all shake out. I’d think Rüdiger will definitely start the season starting at CB.}
13.) 20 Jul 2018 13:31:11
Yeah me too thanks for the response mate.
Magichandshurley's banter posts with other poster's replies to Magichandshurley's banter posts
15 Apr 2019 15:05:21
heading to the bridge for burnley game monday, come on you blues.
1.) 15 Apr 2019 22:15:49
Pop into The Stanley Arms Magic and make a proper day of it.
2.) 16 Apr 2019 21:41:57
will do tom staying in the milenium hotel doing the stadium tour sunday can't wait for it come on u blues.
3.) 16 Apr 2019 22:06:49
Lucky man. Hope you have a wonderful day Magic and we get a result.
14 Feb 2019 20:44:13
Gents a question for ye.
i am going to chelsea v burnley 20th april juat looking for recomendations for places to stay. i usually stay in around oxford street an usually in st. giles on totenham court road. would like too stay closer to stamford bridge this time round. what would be best areas to stay that would be ruffly 20 minute walk from the bridge and have a decent area with bars etc. i did stay on fulham road years ago but found it very boring bar match day of course.
{Ed002's Note - Doubletree at Imperial Wharf.}
1.) 14 Feb 2019 21:00:33
cheers edd apreciate the reply. would there be a few good bars around that area edd and i assume its fairly safe for 2 irish men😂😂.
{Ed002's Note - There are bars throughout Chelsea and certainly on the Kings Road and Fulham Road. It will be safe.}
2.) 14 Feb 2019 21:04:30
also booked the stadium tour not sure why i never did it but its something i always wanted to do. 30 this year so said id finally do it😂 i remember my pal whos actually going to the game with me stayed in the milenium hotel onto d stadium and met jt lamps and drogba d morning of the game probably 8 years ago or more do the players still use the hotel i wonder edd?
3.) 14 Feb 2019 21:14:41
is the meillenium hotel over rated edd or worth a stay? tis about 400 quid for 2 nights for 2.
{Ed002's Note - I use the Chelsea Harbour regularly and it is fine - actually I will be there on Saturday. - The Doubletree will be less expensive.}
4.) 14 Feb 2019 21:14:55
when i say 400 quid i mean 400 euro.
5.) 14 Feb 2019 21:31:53
well i decided to go for the millenium hotel onto stamford bridge edd will treat myself and see what the fuss is about. will u be at the burnley game?
{Ed002's Note - I rarely go to the games. The team used to stay there alight before a game under conte.}
6.) 14 Feb 2019 21:38:52
cheers edd apreciate the info pal interesting too see whol be in charge by the time that game comes around 🙄 not sure sarri will be there there's pressure on him now and his football or sarri ball has been poor to watch not entirely his fault anyways cheers ed.
{Ed002's Note - The Lots Road pub is 2 minutes from the hotel - good but pricey.}
7.) 14 Feb 2019 21:41:29
when u say pricey? what are ya talking for a beer.
{Ed002's Note - I have no idea.}
8.) 14 Feb 2019 22:00:37
era im on a weekend away edd i don't mind been ripped off i do live in ireland 1 of the most expensive countrys in europe😂.
13 Feb 2019 21:04:29
edds bot really chelsea related but id imagine the clubs will be piling up for jadon sancho after tonight so far id sell hazard to madrid and go all out for this kid him an pulisic are outstanding.
{Ed001's Note - Dortmund are not looking to sell him mate.}
1.) 13 Feb 2019 21:29:47
i no there definetly not but there a selling club and surely madrids and citys will come calling.
2.) 13 Feb 2019 22:23:28
No way Dortmund would let Sancho and Pulisic go in one window. If i were Sancho i'd stay for another season at the very least anyway, no point rushing to another club yet at his age. As for Pulisic i thought he was ok tonight, showed glimpses of what he can do with his ability to drive the ball up the pitch and take on players. His end product has always been questionable and it showed tonight in a couple of occasions but i'm sure it'll improve under Sarri in time. Best thing about his arrival in the Summer is that it'll hopefully move Willian and Pedro out of the club.
3.) 13 Feb 2019 23:36:27
Judging by his position he's hazards replacement imo.
4.) 13 Feb 2019 23:36:55
Here’s a better thought why not just play Hudson-Odoi? He could be better he only lacks gametime. The kids electric and can finish. Get him in NOW!
5.) 13 Feb 2019 23:41:23
they would if someone came in with a big enough offer.
6.) 14 Feb 2019 07:49:04
Pusilic will 'improve under Sarri'! LondonBlues90, you're hilarious - the tears are still running down my cheeks!
7.) 14 Feb 2019 09:17:22
obviously we all want cho to play but its just not going to happen sarri will keep saying the same bull he's on pedro an willians level they both play rubbish but i still won't play cho cause im an idiot.
13 Feb 2019 20:48:09
jadon sancho sign him up what a talent.
12 Feb 2019 14:40:41
question for the edds or any1 who has been watching derby this year im interested how mason mount is progressing and generally just wondering if he's ready for the step up or another loan to derby next season is the likely option hopefully with them been a pl team im sure liverpool would also like if derby got promoted to see how harry wilson would also fair out. anyway what's the overall opinion on mount.
{Ed001's Note - from what I have seen he has not impressed at all, but I have only seen them a few times. They are heavily reliant on Wilson, but Mount seems a bit on the periphery far too much. From the little I have seen, he is far from ready to step up just yet.}
1.) 12 Feb 2019 15:44:56
cheers edd apreciate the response interesting output as i haven't heard much about him. what's your thought on tammy is he a championship player considering he seems to score goals down there but failed miserably with the swans last year or was he just unluvky to be playing in a poor team. will ruben loftus cheek ever make it at stamford bridge? what's the future hold for cristensen and ampadu.
{Ed001's Note - Abraham needs a chance with a team creating chances before he can be judged. He is defo too good for the Championship.
Not sure about Loftus-Cheek, comes down to having a manager believe in him and play him regularly. He is getting close to make or break time though.
As for Christensen, I expect he will end up leaving but Ampadu I think will eventually be a first choice.}
2.) 12 Feb 2019 16:12:08
ampadu looks top class edd doesn't ghe he's calmness on the pitch is refreshing what pressure eh haha.
would love to see some of these lads come through an take spots in starting 11 i think its what we lack. these boys are chelsea through an through came through the youths etc i no we signed ampadu but he still forced his way up d ranks after we signed him. interesting ta see if sarri will trust any of these boys. i think mysekf ed kova and barkley have been awfull why not give rlc that lcm spot or even a 10 role an sit kante an jorginho behind him for protection to allow hin to express himself im sure higuan an hazard an willian would enjoy his presence.
{Ed001's Note - sometimes you have to take a chance on youngsters, even if it is just to give the experienced players a kick up the arse.}
3.) 12 Feb 2019 17:08:30
ya i agree edd in what your saying.
{Ed001's Note - cheers.}
4.) 12 Feb 2019 17:24:31
Mount is inconsistent, sometimes he looks brilliant and other times whole games will pass him by. He’s got the quality to potentially make it but it’s far too early for him to get into our side.
5.) 12 Feb 2019 20:57:43
Since we are talking about youngsters, I have two questions:
1) What do you think of Reece James' progress?
2) Which of our academy players both past and present did you think was the most talented?
{Ed001's Note - Reece James looks ready for regular first team football to me. He has been excellent this season at Championship level.
Depends on how far back you go like! I mean Jimmy Greaves would be in with a shout if you go back far enough I would think. However, of the ones I have seen, on pure talent I would say Hudson-Odoi. He has something that boy.}
6.) 12 Feb 2019 21:30:58
Haha, should have mentioned till the Abramovich era only. Personally, even I think CHO is the best we have produced.
I think we both will agree that Reece and Tammy are worthy of being a part of the squad next season, Ed.
{Ed001's Note - definitely. If these players don't stay and train with the squad, and play the odd game or have the odd sub appearance, they will not build up an understanding with their team-mates. Then they really struggle to impress when they do get a chance and they become a liability to the team. It is possible to feed them in and them to become a plus, but it is much more difficult if they barely even know their team-mates because they are away on loans elsewhere.}
7.) 12 Feb 2019 21:39:31
he sure does edd but i don't see sarri giving him much game meaning hel more dan likely head off to munich in the summer . i don't think the arrival of pulisic will make him feel any further away from the team as he is now. i mean if u can give the boy a go now over a bamg average pedro and an inconsistant willian how will that change next year if he stays which is why i believe he's off.
{Ed001's Note - I don't understand why he has not had more chances this season. It doesn't matter how young he is, that is just an excuse to hide behind. Chelsea can't keep losing young starlets because they are 'too young' to play, it is not sustainable. How many more De Bruynes can be given away before the club starts taking a chance on them?}
8.) 12 Feb 2019 22:02:34
ya but it keeps happening an these young players seem to almost no there certain to never get a proper chance in the team. i mean hudson odoi has impressed every single time he's played a game for us an he still doesn't get a sniff more often dan not on a weekly basis. what's the betting he starts pedro and willian again thursday yawn.
{Ed001's Note - if it keeps happening the most promising youngsters will look elsewhere. There are plenty of options in London for them to pick between.}
9.) 12 Feb 2019 22:35:04
Looking at the talent of some of our youngsters, I am pretty sure they will be getting offers from outside England, let alone London.
Just today I read from a Nigerian source that PSG and Dortmund are interested in Anjorin. Kid's not even 18 yet and there is already interest in one of our best upcoming youngsters. Luckily, his contract runs till 2021.
Something needs to change, Ed.
10.) 12 Feb 2019 22:37:42
i agree but you can't blame these kids for looking elsewhere.
11.) 13 Feb 2019 02:07:19
I still think young players will come to our academy but if they don’t get chances in the team we’ll start to see a lot of CHO situations where they run down their contracts. We have a very successful academy that’s starting to produce very good talents (not all Chelsea standard) but definitley good enough to make a very good career. So youth will still come to build their skill and technique, we just need to push them into the first team.
Magichandshurley's rumour replies
14 Feb 2019 09:14:46
i said we should sign him if we sell hazard.
10 Feb 2019 23:48:22
he can't get a game over 2 highly inconsistant players how is he going to change dat next season when pulisic signs.
10 Feb 2019 23:47:13
yes i agree matt martin.
10 Feb 2019 20:57:09
when did we last hear about roman visiting the dressing room after games we dont.
10 Feb 2019 20:56:37
worldwide do you think poch cares whos bigger world wide? he's only worried about the here an now. he has no pressure at spurs a better squad and a better stadium that's just the facts buddy plain an simple . matt when u say technical director do you mean some1 like emelaono again? i would definetly blame that maria lady for a lot of ridicolous transfers last few years but i will say i no its not dowm to her the board make a decision as a group roman needs to get ruthless again.
Magichandshurley's banter replies
15 Aug 2019 00:51:37
i worry abraham doesn't seem to have the composure to be a pl striker missed big chance again in extra time.
07 Jun 2019 10:33:37
no big deal if we don't get kovacic we could sign better in my opinion . cho is the obvious 1 sign him down to a deal and if ban is lifted a striker needs to be number 1. diego costa any1.
20 May 2019 19:11:24
i was at burnley game crap atmosphere booed at full time whistle an d fans abuswd david luiz every time he touched a ball and they did d same the year conte won d league i was at the hull game were ryan mason ended his career every time luiz was on d ball fans abused him strange.
16 Apr 2019 21:42:27
why would neres want to join as back up?
16 Apr 2019 21:41:57
will do tom staying in the milenium hotel doing the stadium tour sunday can't wait for it come on u blues.