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13 Jul 2024 13:32:16
Good afternoon ED002, I hope you’re well and having an enjoyable summer. I was unsure where to propose this question, so I apologise if this is not the suitable place. I was just wondering if there was any chance of your podcasts returning? I used to really enjoy listening to them when they were posted, and would definitely enjoy listening in again if they were to return (even if Chelsea were to be excluded from topics due to the obvious complications that could bring) .


{Ed002's Note - perhaps. Right now I am travelling but will be back on Monday - remind me then.}

1.) 13 Jul 2024 20:57:12
Not a problem at all ED, thank you! Anywhere exotic? Safe travels good sir!

2.) 15 Jul 2024 08:35:39
Good morning ED, I hope that you are well and I hope your travels went smoothly! Just a friendly reminder about that potential podcast. Wishing you and everyone else the best on this miserable monday morning (weather is awful here) .

{Ed002's Note - I will try when time allows.}

3.) 15 Jul 2024 17:35:26
Ed002 any possibility of that podcast/ sharkopod if you have time? Much appreciated.

{Ed002's Note - When time allows.}

4.) 16 Jul 2024 15:29:16
I appreciate it’s not going to be the quickest of things to do ED. Thank you in advance, i’ll be waiting patiently in anticipation! Thank you for everything you do - most of us appreciate you.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 17:27:38
Yeah me too. Very good listen.



21 Jul 2023 18:30:24
ED, to chelsea still have interest in diogo costa? Or has their interest gone now? I’m sure I recall you saying he was on their list a while ago.
Thanks in advance!


{Ed002's Note - They do. He is an option.

1.) 22 Jul 2023 02:08:55
Thanks ED. From what i’ve seen of him he looks like a cracking keeper for his age. We could do a lot worse.

2.) 22 Jul 2023 11:39:32
Thanks Ed.

Also, I agree Chech. Statistically he appears to be the best on the current market at least. (Including Onana)

3.) 22 Jul 2023 12:41:12
Diogo Costa is my preferred choice.



13 Jul 2023 05:50:10
Hi ED, I am consistently seeing rumours of Chalobah leaving. Whilst I am no doubt that there are plenty of sides interested in acquiring him, is the club looking to sell? Also would the player entertain a move/ is he looking to move?

Thanks in advance.


{Ed002's Note - Trevoh Chalobah (CB/DM) – Inter, Milan, Roma and RBL, as a Gvardiol replacement are keen. Inter will push and have already discussed a more complex deal incolving another player in the transfer. As a wildcard, Newcastle could look to him. The issue taht Chelsea has is that they will not be able to assure him of the game time he wants going forward as a result of another CB staying on another year.}

1.) 13 Jul 2023 11:46:46
I hope he stays. He was one of the few players to perform consistently last season. I would say he might even have been our most improved player but that was a low bar last season.

2.) 13 Jul 2023 12:33:25
Thank you so much for the reply ED. I hope you’re keeping well and retaining your sanity in these hectic times!



25 Dec 2022 19:17:12
I’d just like to take a minute to say merry christmas to all of the eds.
especially ED001 and ED002. Your patience and helpfulness is truly inspiring. Best wishes for the holiday seasons and best of luck for the new year going forwards!
Thank you for all of the information you guys give us.
Also, merry christmas to all of my fellow posters. You guys all make this site worth coming to on a daily basis.


1.) 25 Dec 2022 23:09:26
Thanks Cech, I know we all have different views about players and how things are going but we are all Chelsea through and through. I appreciate all of our posters and the Eds for their contributions to this site. I enjoy reading posts and the Eds responses. I wish you all a happy Christmas and New Year. Let’s have a push for 4th place there is still enough time but it may well be out of our reach.



27 Nov 2022 04:07:13
Hi Ed, are you aware of any interest in Malo Gusto of Lyon? Thanks in advance.


{Ed002's Note - As has previously been explained Malo Gusto (RWB) Youngster Lyon will look to extend, particular with Leo Dubois departed. Has been watched by Real Madrid, Manchester United and Marseille. On the Vision 2030 list for Chelsea.}




cech118's banter posts with other poster's replies to cech118's banter posts


01 Sep 2023 09:59:34
Good luck to all of the eds today! I’ve no doubt it’s going to be crazy for all of you. Thank you for all of the help youve been able to provide for this window and always!


{Ed002's Note - You are welcome.}

1.) 01 Sep 2023 10:28:46
Second that Ed's, your knowledge keeps windows interesting.



30 Aug 2023 22:03:26
Was anyone at the game tonight? I’d like to hear opinions of how our youth players performed. I was unable to watch the game. Many thanks in advance guys!


1.) 30 Aug 2023 22:45:09
I was at the game, didn’t think anyone played particularly well other than Madueke and Gallagher and then Enzo when he came on. Maatsen struggled, Humphries looked decent enough and Moreira and Burstow hardly had a kick between them.

2.) 30 Aug 2023 23:39:24
Thanks for your summary RVD. Appreciated.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 00:21:08
No worries mate, not the best performance but a lot of players rested and got the win so can’t really complain.



19 Jul 2023 20:44:39
I’ve just read that Chelsea have agreed a deal in principle to buy the sir oswald stoll mansions plot neighbouring stamford bridge, there will be a 9 week consultation period and then fingers crossed everything will go ahead. It will make the redevelopment of Stamford bridge a much more realistic possibility as far as i’m aware. Which is fantastic, as I really do not want us to relocate permanently from stamford bridge.

Are any of the eds or fellow posters able to shed any more light on this?


{Ed002's Note - It leaves the major problem of where the team relocates to.}

1.) 19 Jul 2023 21:12:32
Is Wembley an option Ed002?

{Ed002's Note - I am not getting in to this.}

2.) 19 Jul 2023 21:29:03
Do you mean the temporary relocation during the rebuild? Do you know what the potential options would be ED?

{Ed002's Note - Yes but there is no point discussing it.}

3.) 20 Jul 2023 02:03:49
No worries at all ED, thank you for your time! Fingers crossed they resolve whatever issues remain!

4.) 20 Jul 2023 08:26:15
I'm probably one of the few who would not mind moving away from the Bridge. I know because of the power the CPO have, we would need to amend the club name slightly but thst is a small price to pay in order to be able to build a new stadium with less restrictions.

The area around the stadium is restrictive and residents seem to think they can make money out of the club or hold them to ransom.

Also, I believe the CPO system which was set up to protect the club have too much sway into what the owners want to do. To me naming rights does not interfere with the stadium's protection so why should the club need their permission.

I love the Bridge which I feel is unique but in this day and age I believe we have to move on.

5.) 20 Jul 2023 10:08:50
I have to disagree bill, in my opinion cpo have done very well in making sure the club don't move away. I love the bridge as it is, just move the away fans somewhere else, I'd rather knock down the shed and the hotels and build a new shed end and get to 50,000.

6.) 20 Jul 2023 11:41:53

The CPO has done a great job in protecting the ground however, i just feel that it is difficult to change the ground name, rebuild the ground, move or carry out improvements unless they approve what is being done.

I feel they should only be there to safeguard the ground so that we font lose it like we did years ago.

If they were more flexible I would not have an issue.

{Ed002's Note - I am not sure you understand the situation and certainly the detail.}

7.) 20 Jul 2023 11:42:34
I think we are jumping the gun: whatever project the club has in mind will need planning permission: which may well be contentious.

8.) 20 Jul 2023 12:04:50
I’m a CPO myself, we aren’t completely against moving ground and willing to hold the club to ransom over naming rights. It’s more of an insurance policy to protect against owners doing things against the interest of the club. If a suitable location and stadium are proposed then there’s no reason that the CPO wouldn’t accept the proposal and be happy with the club moving.

{Ed002's Note - It is not quite as simple as that either. I think we should just move on from this.}

9.) 20 Jul 2023 17:13:20
I’m a CPO along with other members of my family.

I haven’t had a conversation for long time with other CPO’s. The majority of them that I spoke sounded pretty relaxed about things.

I would have liked us to move to the Earles Court site but that hasn’t been mentioned in ages.

If the owners want to develop the current site I’m happy with that. Would be nice if it could be done in stages but that’s just me being selfish.

What will be will be and I doubt I will be around to see any games in it anyway!

10.) 20 Jul 2023 18:50:34
Tom, we all have an affinity to Stamford Bridge but I have always believed, and still do, that developing a 60, 000 seater stadium on the current site is unrealistic. The cost and complexities will be enormous. Earls Court if it was feasible would be ideal, walking distance from the Bridge, good transport infrastructure and less likely to cause planning delays. It is a shame that the Battersea Power Station idea never got off the ground . I have to say Tottenham did a good job for their new stadium well planned and only one season playing at Wembley ( I think ) .

11.) 20 Jul 2023 19:33:59
I wouldn’t presume to have a clue how practical building a 60,000 seater stadium on our present site, I’m not a stadium planner/ architect.

I have always just assumed the club would get “shed” (excuse the pun) loads of money for our current site and that any other location would be cheaper land.

I’ve been going to the Bridge for over 60years but I’m not that attached to it. I don’t see it as our spiritual home. My guess is, I may well be in a minority with that view.

12.) 20 Jul 2023 20:00:58
Tom, I have no issues about moving as long as it’s not too far away. Arsenal fans had no issues about moving. The last plans required digging down 15 metres because of sight line issues, I doubt whether that can be overcome but perhaps extra land and fresh eyes from different architects might come up with a solution.



09 Jan 2023 22:09:31
Quick question for you ED001 if you don’t mind.

Regarding Cucurella, has your stance on him changed at all since his move to Chelsea? Or do you still regard him as a really good player with a fantastic future? (Not a quite just the impression I got from you)

If it remains the same, what do you think is going wrong for him specifically?

Just to be clear, I actually really like him and I still want him to succeed as well as hope that he can be as good as you believe he can be. However he does give me palpitations at times.


{Ed001's Note - I think he is a very good player, but it is hard to know if he has lost his hunger following the big money move or if he is just struggling to adjust. It is a totally different world at Chelsea from Brighton. He was at a confident side playing with freedom and no pressure. Now he has signed for a side lacking in confidence and under severe pressure. I do wonder if the desire to prove Barca wrong for letting him go has left him now he has made a big money move. It must be at least partially there as a reason.}

1.) 09 Jan 2023 23:03:03
In my opinion I’ve seen signs of improvement in the last few games. I hope it continues.

2.) 09 Jan 2023 23:26:18
Likewise, I think there’s been signs of improvement. In his first few games under TT, I was particularly impressed by his sense of urgency - chasing the ball when it went out of play, looking for the quick throw etc. I think what’s missing is a combination of confidence and cohesion.

He has a tendency to play the ball blind inside and I’m guessing it’s because at Brighton he knew that someone would be there. That understanding isn’’t yet there at Chelsea and it just looks like a pass to nothing.

I really don’t think, with all the changes, injuries and lack of training time, that this team knows each other yet. Their response to that has been to become more cautious in the choices they make. When they are tentative, errors creep in.

The players - well, many of them - are good enough, the manager is good enough, Cucurella is good enough. If there was a right footed version I’d buy him too. We aren’t Everton in disguise. It’ll come in the end.

3.) 09 Jan 2023 23:26:56
He’s just not in a good team atm, same goes for other lads that clearly have all the attributes but are not shining. We need midfielders, and a CB who can play out from the back. Even Rudiger played a mean cross field or through ball in and he wasn’t a ball playing CB. Fofana might very well be that if he overcomes his injuries long term. We’ve 3/ 4 good passers in the team, James, Silva, Mase and Kai rest are not great at playing others into space or through on goal.

4.) 10 Jan 2023 10:20:14
Thanks for your reply ED. I always value the info you provide and appreciate the effort you make.

Fatduck, i love your post. Very up beat and a breath of fresh air in these times. Although I agree with most, i’m not sure if I would say that many of them are good enough. Ability and potential, yes many or even most are good enough. However attitude and work ethic I would say probably only 50-65% of the squad are good enough. I believe those attributes can often get players further than ability. (Unless the players have both combined of course) But that’s just my opinion.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome cech, always good to hear from you mate.}



09 Sep 2022 16:15:28
Does anyone know if next weeks european fixtures are going ahead as planned after the postponement of domestic fixtures this weekend? Eds or fellow posters?


{Ed001's Note - the expectation is that those outside of the UK will take place as usual, those inside are now up for debate and nothing has been decided yet.}

1.) 09 Sep 2022 18:51:13
Thanks for the confirmation ED. With a lot of other sports all ready returning this weekend, it would be my guess that football would continue as normal after the weekend. But i’m also very good at being wrong in my assumptions!




cech118's rumour replies


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16 Jul 2024 15:29:16
I appreciate it’s not going to be the quickest of things to do ED. Thank you in advance, i’ll be waiting patiently in anticipation! Thank you for everything you do - most of us appreciate you.




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15 Jul 2024 08:35:39
Good morning ED, I hope that you are well and I hope your travels went smoothly! Just a friendly reminder about that potential podcast. Wishing you and everyone else the best on this miserable monday morning (weather is awful here) .


{Ed002's Note - I will try when time allows.}



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13 Jul 2024 20:57:12
Not a problem at all ED, thank you! Anywhere exotic? Safe travels good sir!




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18 Mar 2024 23:13:02
I think there’s a release clause for maatsen in his loan deal anyway? So Maatsen staying isn’t entirely in our own hands anymore should Dortmund decide to make the bid. At least as far as I understand.




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16 Mar 2024 20:50:30
Your personal understanding of FFP, PSR or amortisation on the broader scale is slightly redundant in terms of what we are currently talking about though Tom?

Firstly just because your understanding of them isn’t at the required level, does not mean that the rest of us should not be able to comment or express concerns on the matter.

Secondly, if anyone here does understand FFP et al, they are under absolutely no obligation whatsoever to divulge that information to either you, myself or anyone else that has questions on the matter. That however does not mean that their contributions to the page should become mute. However if you don’t agree with it by all means share your side. But don’t constantly suggest that others shouldn’t talk about financial or other matters just because you have no interest in them.

I tend to find myself agreeing with a lot you say Tom, however the constant disregard of others concern or questions/ information regarding FFP et al is, simply put, infuriating at times. Anyway, i’m not going to carry on with this, I just hoped to explain to you how it looks from another perspective. I hope you’re well and sending you all the best.





cech118's banter replies


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23 Jul 2024 22:20:01
RBD I still don’t understand your point regarding Caicedo. You realise that bids can be made up differently? For example maybe Liverpool offered £111m but with £25m add ons however we offered £115m with £15m add ons? (These figures are completely made up and I have no idea what the full terms of each bid were - it’s just to make my point) So I don’t really see why you’re complaining that we’ve paid an inital £4m more than Liverpool had offered.




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23 Jul 2024 15:14:07
RBD I disagree that Chalobah is a ‘superior player’. He has never filled me with confidence. Yes I like the passion he shows, and the fact he always tries. But trying isn’t always enough.

Caicedo was always a player we were going to be interested in regardless of Winstanley. As for Sanchez - we had been begging for a new GK for ages, we simply made an error with the option we chose. It happens to all clubs.

Badiashile is a player who hit the profile of what the club was looking for, young with a high potential ability. Again I doubt he was targeted purely for Stewart. Disasi I feel was mostly bought for two reasons, to help BB settle, and as an option to pair with BB given their previous partnership and the aging (now gone) Thiago Silva.

As for how Chalobah is being treated, how do you know how he’s being treated? Have you spoken to him? Have you spoken to anyone at the club who actually knows? It’s been reported for a long time regarding sides interested in signing him and that the club is open to letting him leave. Maybe he’s been left out of the travelling squad due to terms being close/ agreed and it’s easier for him and whoever the other party is if he’s in the UK.




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23 Jul 2024 01:09:00
Why don’t you tell us how you really feel RBD?

I’m sorry but as Chelsea fans we over rate our own. Chalobah is not better than Badiashile, he simply went through a rough patch after his injury (who didn’t have a rough patch last season? ) . Disasi was being used all over the pitch, constantly with different partnerships so again, not really surprised that he was in and out of form. He also had some absolutely rock solid appearances too.




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18 Jul 2024 07:31:00
In an ideal world everything could be sorted out, however it worries me that we have a fairly large contingency of black/ mixed race french players who are (rightly so) going to be very upset about the whole situation. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t worried about how things might progress.




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17 Jul 2024 06:56:54
Standard, like I said in my original reply, I only went with what I had read. If he did in fact partake in the chanting which appears he may well have done, then use it is extremely shameful behaviour.
