1.) 25 Dec 2017
25 Dec 2017 17:23:46
Agree Ed, any football fan that's looks on any other site for info about anything football related is crazy. Not only the amazing information 002 comes across, the in depth knowledge of the inner workings of the football industry is second to none and extremely interesting to any real football fans.
Sort it out Chelsea fans, this is the start of your campaign to win 002 back, its up to you guys now.

2.) 25 Dec 2017
25 Dec 2017 18:23:00
It's the few ruining it for the many, I hope. We don't know What abuse ED 02 goes through from us, but it's his decision to leave this site, and one we must respect. Of course we all miss him, but because of some idiots, there's not a lot The rest of us Can do to retain his affection. We Can only hope.

3.) 26 Dec 2017
26 Dec 2017 01:17:23
Think we have more than our share of immature little glory hunters, who expect edo2 to be there for the sole purpose of answering their own questions personally, without a please or a thank you. Without bothering or taking the time to read through previous questions and comments to see if the information has already been given. Spoilt little brats come to mind, but I am sure that phrase will be deleted.
Couldn't the eds have a separate site for a team called knobheads Utd, where all the questions from the trolls could be directed. I, for one, would volunteer to be the ed dealing with the replies.